KNW-142 Working In An Incident Command Vehicle

KNW-142Working In An Incident Command Vehicle By Earl Pack, AE5PA in 2012 Working in an Incident Command Vehicle (ICV) is a challenging and fun experience. Since none of the vehicles are alike and one does not always find what they would expect, some training about an ICV is recommended in the event you have an … Read more

KNW-141 Evacuation Grab And Go Kit

KNW-141Evacuation: Grab-And-Go Kitsand other Plans Author unknownModified 09/2022 by Paul Smith, K5PRS What If You Had To Evacuate Your Home In A Hurry? What would you take? Why your Evacuation Grab-and-Go Kits and your radio go-kit of course! Many of us have assembled go-kits for our radio equipment and other items we would use to … Read more

DIS-104 Why we train

DIS-104Why Do We Train? Maritime High Seas Emergency Story On a Thursday in April at about 10 AM Eastern time, the Intercontinental Traffic Net (INTERCON) with Ernie, K4ZQ in Lexington, NC, Net Manager serving as Net Control intercepted a call on the “Global Center of Activity” IARU designated 20 Meter emergency frequency of 14.300 MHz.More … Read more

DIS-103 Planning effective exercises

DIS-103Planning effective exercises This material is adapted from ARECC EC003, Learning Unit 7. The learning unit is based inpart on a QST article by George Washburn, WA6YYM, District Emergency Coordinator andChief Radio Officer of Santa Clara County, California. IntroductionDrills, exercises, tests. By any name, periodic exercises are used to evaluate the effectiveness of training and … Read more

DIS-101D RRT’s and Other Abbreviations

DIS-101DLesson 4RRT’s and Other Abbreviations EXCERPTED from District 14 Emergency Communications Plan (DIS-101)Prepared Oct. 7, 2017 by KE5JBWRevised 1/2017 Tonight’s training is taken primarily from Section 12 of the District 14 Emergency Communications Plan and from Appendix E of the Plan. RRT’s:Most ARES® units employ some form of rapid response team (RRT). In some areas … Read more

DIS-101C An Introduction to the District 14 Emergency Plan

DIS-101CLesson 3An Introduction to theDistrict 14 Emergency Plan EXCERPTED from District 14 Emergency Communications Plan (DIS-101)Prepared Oct. 6, 2017 by KE5JBWRevised 01/2018 Tonight’s training is taken from Section 2 of the District 14 Emergency Communications Plan and is about our status and responsibilities as volunteers and also about the administrative structures regarding District and Unit … Read more

DIS-101B Alert Definitions and Increased-Readiness Conditions

DIS-101BLesson 2Alert Definitions and Increased-Readiness Conditions Revised 1/2017EXCERPTED from District 14 Emergency Communications Plan (DIS-101)Prepared Oct. 6, 2017 by KE5JBW – EDITED Oct. 18, 2017 Tonight’s training is taken from Section 10 of the District 14 Emergency Communications Plan and will focus on the four levels of official alerts which are referred to as Conditions. … Read more

DIS-101A Mobilization Procedure

DIS-101.ALesson 1Mobilization Procedure Revised 1/2017EXCERPTED from District 14 Emergency Communications Plan (DIS-101)Prepared Oct. 6, 2017 by KE5JBW Tonight’s training is taken from Section 4 of the District 14 Emergency Communications Plan and will focus on terminology, protocols and instructions regarding a mobilization for District 14 or any of its individual units. Each Unit EC or … Read more

WEA-107 Turn Around…Don’t Drown®

WEA-107Turn Around Don’t Drown® During a thunderstorm, more deaths occur due to flooding than from any other storm related hazard. Why? The main reason is people underestimate the force and power of water. Many of the deaths occur in automobiles as they are swept downstream. Most of these deaths are preventable but too many people … Read more

KNW-140 Choosing a Radio for Emergency Communications

KNW-140Choosing a Radio for Emergency Communications Adapted and modified 12/2020 for the Gulf Coast area by Earl Pack, AE5PA. Base material from an 11/15/2008 article by “Disaster Radio in Hawaii”. Used with permission of Disaster Radio in Hawaii. This article offers criteria for choosing a radio for emergency communications. The most likely scenario for emergency … Read more