Harris County (TX) is the sole county in District 14 of the South Texas Section.
The county is subdivided into four quadrants (units) using IH-10 to the east and west, IH-45 to the north and Hwy 288 to the south as dividing lines.
Each unit has an Emergency Coordinator and Assistant Emergency Coordinators as needed.

You may join Harris County ARES online. All members are asked to keep their contact and station information current by using this database.

DISTRICT Emergency Coordinator: Sherwin Klemp, K5SEK

RACES District 16 DRO: Sean Ramsey, KG5IRM

Click on appropriate map to go to the corresponding unit’s page

Northwest Unit: EC – KJ Anderson/KJ5EMP
Northeast Unit: EC – Scott DeMasi/KC5NKW
Southwest Unit: EC – Wayne Johnson/K5OB
Southeast Unit: EC – George Fletcher/AD5CQ
Amateur Radio Emergency Service®, ARES®, and the ARES logo are trademarks of the American Radio Relay League, Inc. and are used by permission