Harris County ARES Frequencies

Net Scripts: Texas ARES | Northwest | Northeast | Southwest | Southeast

Communication Plans: Section | District | Northwest | Northeast | Southwest | Southeast

Packet and RMS Gateways: Band Plan

District 14 (Harris County) Net Schedules & Frequencies

Wide Area Nets:

  • Wide Area Net, 5th Sun of the Month, 7PM:
    • 147.000 (+) 103.5
  • Hospital Net, Last Sun of the Month, 6:30PM:
    • 145.170 (-) 123.0
  • Houston NTS, Mon, 6:30PM, 147.000 (+) 103.5
  • Houston NTS, Thu, 6:30PM, 147.000 (+) 103.5
    • Echolink: W5NC-R
  • D1/D14 Wide DMR Net 1st Friday 7:30PM SETECG TG 8686

Activation HF Frequencies:

  • 3873.0kHz | TX ARES Night
  • 3885.0kHz | TX ARES Night Health & Welfare
  • 3975.0kHz | TX RACES Night
  • 7285.0kHz | TX ARES Day
  • 7290.0kHz | TX ARES Day Health & Welfare
  • 7248.0kHz | TX RACES day

Activation VHF/UHF Frequencies:

  • 147.000 (+) (103.5) WD5X | County Wide Information
  • 145.370 (-) (123.0) N5TRS | County Wide Information (B/U)
  • 145.170 (-) (123.0) | County Wide Hospital Net
  • 145.370 (-) (123.0) | North Distribution Points (PODS)
  • 147.060 (+) (123.0) | South Distribution Points (PODS)
  • 145.700 | County Wide Simplex
  • 144.226 | County Wide 2M USB

D14 Unit Frequencies & Net Schedules

NW Unit:

Weekly Nets on Sunday at 8PM:

  • 1st Sunday: 146.720 MHz (-) 123.0 WA5TRC
  • 2nd Sunday: 147 MHz (+) 103.5 WD5X
  • 3rd Sunday: 145.370 MHz (-) 123.0 N5TRS
  • 4th Sunday: 146.840 MHz (-) 151.4 KA5QDG

Primary Unit Communications:

  • WA5TRC: 146.720 (-) 123.0 | Unit Primary
  • KA5QDG: 146.840 (-) 151.4 | Unit Secondary
  • 146.440 | Unit Simplex

Backup Repeaters:

  • 147 MHz (+) 103.5 WD5X

DMR Radios:

  • DMR TalkGroup 8686 (cBridge Linked Repeaters ONLY, NOT BrandMeister)

Weekly Digital Check-ins:

NE Unit:

Weekly Nets on Thursday at 8PM

  • 147.280 (+) 103.5

Primary Unit Communications:

  • 147.280 (+) 103.5 | Unit Primary
  • 145.430 (-) 103.5 | Unit Secondary
  • 147.280 | Tertiary | Simplex

Weekly Digital Check-Ins:


SW Unit:

Weekly Nets on Wednesday at 8PM:

  • 1st Wednesday:  145.190 (-) 123.0
  • 2nd Wednesday:  146.940 (-) 167.9
  • 3rd Wednesday:  145.170 (-) 123.0
  • 4th Wednesday:  146.940 (-) 167.9
  • 5th Wednesday:  145.190 (-) 123.0

Primary Unit Communications:

  • 145.190 (-) 123.0 | Unit Primary
  • 145.170 (-) 123.0 | Unit Secondary
  • 146.560 | Simplex 1
  • 147.560 | Simplex 2

Weekly Digital Check-Ins:

SE Unit:

Weekly Nets on Tuesday at 8PM:

  • 146.640 (-) 123.0

Primary Unit Communications:

  • 146.640 (-) 123.0 Primary repeater
  • 146.640 Simplex
  • 146.740 (-) 107.2
  • 145.390 (-) 123.0
  • 147.260 (+) 123.0
  • 145.600 Simplex
  • 145.700 Simplex

Weekly Digital Check-Ins:


State & Adjacent County Club Net Schedules & Frequencies

State NTS & EmComm

  • Texas ARES, Mondays, 7:30PM, 3873kHz
  • Texas RACES, Sun, 2PM:
    • 7.255MHz, 14.347MHz secondary, 3.975MHz tertiary
  • Texas Morning NTS, 8:30AM, 7285kHz
  • Texas Evening NTS, 6:30PM, 3873kHz
  • 7290 NTS, 10AM & 1PM 7290kHz
  • Central Gulf States Hurricane Net, 0100UTC, 3935kHz

County EOC & EmComm
