PRO-102 Amateurs as Professionals PT-II

PRO-102Amateur Radio Operators as ProfessionalsPart II Specific Agency Relationships The relationship between the volunteer communicator and the served agency can be quite different from agency to agency, and even between different offices of the same agency. While the ARRL and other national communication groups have existing “Memorandums of Understanding” (MOU), sometimes called a “Statement of … Read more

PRO-101 Amateurs as Professionals PT-I

PRO-101Amateur Radio Operators as ProfessionalsPart I This training session and the others that I will present later will help you understand the critical and delicate relationship between Ares/Races emergency communicators and the agencies we serve. What has our “attitude” got to do with this? In a word, everything! It is even more important than your … Read more

MSG-106 ARRL Message Format

MSG-106 ARRLMessage Format This page serves as a link to: W3YVQ.v1.04-5/02 PSCM APP.-B NTS MPG-MESSAGE FORMAT P 1-1CHAPTER 1 – THE ARRL MESSAGE FORMAT Which includes: Table of contents (Double click RTF, click PDF page number to section; Ctrl-Home TOC.): 1.0 THE ARRL MESSAGE FORMAT ……………………………………………………………………..21.0.1 EXAMPLE BLANK FORM …………………………………………………………………………….31.0.2 EXAMPLE MESSAGE ……………………………………………………………………………………31.1 PREAMBLE PART … Read more

MSG-105 Radiogram instructions

MSG-105Radiogram instructions 1. NUMBER–every radiogram should have a number. Keep a sheet with a consecutive list of numbers, beginning at 1, by your radio. When a radiogram is written, complete all parts of the preamble except the number. When you send the radiogram, assign a number to it from the number sheet, crossing out numbers … Read more

MSG-104 Radiogram

MSG-104The ARRL Radiogram Although the ICS-213 form is to be used in a response using ICS, if the served agency requests the use of the ARRL Radiogram, then this form is to be used. This situation occurred during the HURREX on June 6th. The City of Austin OEM sent a message to the Galveston County … Read more

MSG-103 Basic Traffic Handling

MSG-103Basic Traffic Handling Via Nets Another of the magical ‘black arts’ available to the amateur radio operator is that of traffic handling. At the dawn of amateur radio in the early 1900’s the only practical method of passing message traffic was to relay the information from the originating station thru a system of relays to … Read more

MSG-102 Basic Message Parts

MSG-102Basic Message Parts All messages designed to be handled through the amateur radio traffic system consist of three (3) parts regardless of the form used: Addressee: This is the To: part of the message and consists of the full name, title, address for delivery, and telephone number. The sender of the message is the person … Read more

MSG-101 Basic Message Forms

MSG-101Basic Message Forms From the most recent Basic Message Parts we now progress to the form or envelope that the amateur radio communicator must use in order to insure proper transmission of the message information thru the system in use. Analagous to attempting to use a UPS or FedEx envelope for transmission through the US … Read more

FMA-110 Where We Fit

FMA-110Where Do We Fit In The Incident Command System (ICS)? We fit NOWHERE in the organization until asked. There is no position within the ICS for “walk-on” operators! If you wish to help in any event, contact your local ARES Emergency Coordinator and volunteer with that person. DO NOT just show up to work. The … Read more

FMA-108 ICS Resources and Facilities

FMA-108Incident Command SystemResources and Facilities Written by kb5pgy This week will be my last week covering ICS fundamentals. I will be covering both the categories of resources available in ICS and the types of facilities available in ICS. I will also cover mobilization. Resources are grouped according to how they are deployed and their readiness … Read more