MSG-105 Radiogram instructions

Radiogram instructions

1. NUMBER–every radiogram should have a number. Keep a sheet with a consecutive list of numbers, beginning at 1, by your radio. When a radiogram is written, complete all parts of the preamble except the number. When you send the radiogram, assign a number to it from the number sheet, crossing out numbers on the sheet as they are used and making a notation, after the number, of the station to whom the radiogram was sent and the date. Most traffic handlers start with number 1at the beginning of each year.

2. PRECEDENCE–every radiogram has a precedence, and it is normally “Routine” (R). It is a separate part of the preamble and is transmitted as such, not as part of the number. Other precedences are “Priority” (P), “Emergency” — never abbreviated, and “Welfare” (W).

3. HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS (HX)–are used when the writer of the radiogram requires special instructions in how to the handle the radiogram.

4. STATION OF ORIGIN–is the call sign of the radio station from which the radiogram was first sent by Amateur Radio, and is included so that handling stations will be able to communicate with the originator if something interferes with the prompt handling or delivery of the message.

5. CHECK–is the number of words and numerals in the text of the radiogram. Handling stations should agree on the check before the message is considered handled.

6. PLACE OF ORIGIN–is the name of the town from which the radiogram started, not necessarily the location of the radio station of origin. The preamble of a radiogram written in Dayton, Ohio might read as follows: NR 457 R W1INF 21 DAYTON OHIO 2057Z JUNE 11. If a message is sent to your station by mail or not written in person, the preamble should show the place the radiogram came from. If the radiogram came to Dayton by mail from Auburn, Maine, the preamble would read: NR 457 R W1INF 21AUBURN MAINE 2057Z JUNE 11.

7. TIME FIELD–is the time the radiogram is received at the station that it sent. Standard practice is to use Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). This part of the preamble is optional with the originating station.

8. DATE–the month and the day (not the year) that the radiogram was filed at the originating station.

9. ADDRESS–is the complete name, street and number, city and state to whom the radiogram is going–stress this when accepting a radiogram. The phone number should be part of the address. In transmitting the message by CW, the signal AA is used to separate parts of the address, and the address is followed by BT or “break” before the text is started. Addresses with the words east, west, etc, should be spelled out in full. Don’t use suffixes “th,” “nd”etc (example: 19 W 19th St should be 19 West 19 St.

10.TEXT–consists of words in the radiogram. No abbreviations should be used. The text follows the address and is set off from the signature by another BT.

11.SIGNATURE–is usually the name of the person originating the message. The Signature follows the BT or “break” at the end of the text. The abbreviation “sig” is not transmitted. After the signature, say “end” or transmit AR. If more is to follow, say “more.” On CW, use the prosign B. If there’s no more, say “no more.” On CW use the prosign “N.”

That concludes tonight’s training. Are there any questions, comments or suggested additions to this material?

Thanks, this is (callsign) clear to net control.