MSG-101 Basic Message Forms

Basic Message Forms

From the most recent Basic Message Parts we now progress to the form or envelope that the amateur radio communicator must use in order to insure proper transmission of the message information thru the system in use.

Analagous to attempting to use a UPS or FedEx envelope for transmission through the US Postal Service system, without changing or altering the basic message parts of addressee or recipient, message body and sender, whose signature must be obtained at the point of initiation into the traffic system used; the amateur radio communicator must use the proper form or envelope for the selected system. Otherwise the message just will not go thru the message traffic system.

As ARES members, to send any message thru the National Traffic System the ARRL Radiogram format must be used as the carrying mechanism. All of the header information must be in place to get the message transmitted without undue delay. Certain portions of the header give the details that are necessary to reply or send any service message inquiry that might be needed.

As a RACES member, the message must be transmitted on the Department of Public Safety’s newly revised form to replace the former Form CO-1R, or it will not be handled by the DPS radio operators. We will address this newest form in our communications portfolio as soon as I have been given the official format and had an opportunity to review it.

All formal RACES messages must be in written format; with the sender being one of those designated, and with full name, title, and complete address including a contact telephone number.

Finally, for those served agencies demanding it, the ICS-213 format is mandated by FEMA for reimbursement of federal funds. The upper portion of the form is the initial message, with the reply section at the bottom. The communicator therefor must hone skills to seamlessly facilitate the transfer of the basic information from any one of the envelope systems in use to any of the others that might be demanded, all the while maintaining the integrity of the basic information parts.

To summarize, while the form in each of these systems differs widely, the basic parts of the message remain intact.

That concludes tonight’s training. Are there any questions, comments or suggested additions to this material?

Thanks, this is (callsign) clear to net control.