KNW-174 Reporting Our Hours

KNW-174Reporting Our Hours by Paul Smith, K5PRSOct 2, 2022 You know the old saying, “The job isn’t finished until the paperwork is done.” Did you know that we are STRONGLY requested not only to participate regularly in nets, exercises, public service events, trainings, etc. but to maintain logs, to fill out forms, to provide feedback … Read more

KNW-163 Basics of ICS

KNW-163Basics of ICS Written by kb5pgy and based on the FEMA ICS-100 on-line course. IntroductionThere has been considerable debate about the new requirements for Incident Command System (ICS) certification for all personnel responding to emergencies. Some of the comments I have seen are of the theme of “Why should I have to learn yet another … Read more

KNW-162 Hospital Radio Teams

KNW-162Hospital Radio TeamsWhat’s happening in California and in Houston Prepared for ARES South Texas, District 14, SW Unit Training, Dec. 6, 2017Sources for Parts 1 and 2: and KPARN.orgprepared by Allyson Wells, KE5JBW, with assistance from Linda Kangas, W5LDK PART 1: How Often Do Hospitals Need Hams? From:, the Hospital Disaster Support Communication … Read more

KNW-161 Antenna Polarization

KNW-161Antenna Polarization Based on an article by Steve Decho – NE6FXModified and added to 12/2016 by Earl Pack This is a short refresher course on antenna polarization. A transmitted radio wave consists of an electric field and a magnetic field which are 90 degrees apart, or “orthogonal”, radiating outward from the antenna. Polarization refers to … Read more

KNW-160 How To Sound Like An Experienced Operator

KNW-160How To Sound Like An Experienced Operator Written 09 May 2021 by KJ5EMPFree for distribution for non-commercial use This article is intended to help new radio operators side-step many of the cringe worthy errors many new operators make and help demystify some of the practices heard but not explained that a new radio operator may … Read more

KNW-159 Pandemic Influenza

KNW-159Pandemic Influenza Adapted from a [] article.Revised 11/2016Edited 10/2022 by Paul Smith, K5PRS U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt helped clarify the effect of a pandemic when he stated “Pandemics are global in nature, but their impact is local. When the next pandemic strikes, as it surely will, it is likely … Read more


KNW-156Know Your ARES Organization Modified from a Waller County ARES training articleWritten by Christine Smith, N5CAS (sk)Edited 10/2022 by Paul Smith, K5PRS TRAINERS: GET CURRENT INFORMATION NECESSARY TO FILL IN THE BLANKS BELOW BEFORE THE NET! The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is a group of licensed amateurs who have qualifications and equipment for communications … Read more

KNW-158 Snow Storms, Ice Storms and Blizzards

KNW-158Snow Storms, Ice Storms and Blizzards Adapted from a Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ARES training article.Revised 11/2016 Ice storms are a particular hazard when they occur in our area because we are totally unprepared for them. They have the potential to cause considerable property damage and disrupt of our daily lives. Tree branches heavily laden … Read more


KNW-157AMATEUR RADIO’S ROLE in the AMBER ALERT SYSTEM Updated and adapted from an original articleby Pat Spencer, KD4PWL, www.kyham.netRevised 11/2016 By now, almost everyone has heard of the AMBER alert system. There are, however, a few things about the system that we need to look at to make sure it is properly understood and that … Read more

KNW-155 Disaster or Major Emergency – What Can Be Expected?

KNW-155Disaster or Major Emergency – What Can Be Expected? Adapted from a Sacramento Valley Section ARES training articleRevised 11/2016 The following list of seventy “things to expect” is not offered as a prediction of doom. Although most of the items are negative, this is a realistic list of problem areas that we can expect to … Read more