PSV-102 Public Service event coordinator

PSV-102The Amateur Radio Communications Coordinatorfor Public Service Events Revised 09/2022 by Paul Smith, K5PRS A public service event coordinator is an amateur radio operator who organizes and manages the amateur radio communications for and at a public service event. CONCEPT:Each and every public service event requesting communications support from the amateur radio community needs a … Read more

WEA-104 Lightening Protection 4

WEA-104LIGHTNING PROTECTION Extracted from ARRL’s QST Magazine“Light Protection For The Amateur Radio Station”June, July, August 2002 articlesby Ron Block KB2UYT The ChallengeThe amateur is challenged to assemble the best radio station possible, to enjoy the benefits of the hobby and have the station operable during times of need. This can be a significant challenge especially … Read more

MSG-107 NTS SAR and PSHR reporting

MSG-107NTS STATION ACTIVITY REPORTS AND PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL Adapted and condensed from National Traffic Service Methods and Practices Guidelines by Wayne Johnson, K5OB [This training requires a basic understanding of training modules MSG-101 through MSG-106] Section ARRL leadership is always interested in activity reports from stations participating in the National Traffic Service (NTS) messaging … Read more

KNW-154 Is amateur radio becoming obsolete for emergency communications

KNW-154IS AMATEUR RADIO BECOMING OBSOLETE FOREMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS? Article by David W. Thorne – K6SOJSacramento Valley ARESRevised 12/2021 An article in the January 19, 2001 edition of “Amateur Radio Newsline” said, “One of the reasons that hams are called out in emergencies could begin to disappear in 2006.” The article referred to an FCC directive that … Read more

NET-119 Logging and record keeping

NET-119LOGGING AND RECORD KEEPING Modified from a Waller County ARES training articlewritten by Christine Smith, N5CAS (sk).Revised 09/2022 What if you are the Net Control Station in charge of the net? How about a SAG wagon or Rest Stop communicator? We need to have logs for these positions just like you would keep a log … Read more

KNW-103 Basic Communication

Basic Communication Skills Objective:This lesson introduces communication skills that are specific to emcomm operations, and helps you understand differences from normal Amateur Radio operations. Information:An emergency communicator must do his part to get every message to its intended recipient, quickly, accurately, and with a minimum of fuss. A number of factors can affect your ability … Read more

KNW-102 Are you ready?

ARE YOU READY? Training: KNW-102Originally written by Greg Sarratt, W4OZK, ARRL Alabama Section Managerupdated: 2-24-2016 The 2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season begins on June 1st, but as we in the Houston area found out last May, any disaster can happen at any time. The flood that surprised us all May 25-26, now known as the Memorial … Read more