Northwest Harris County ARES Net Script

Updated 08JUNE2024 Repeater Info At 7:50 PM and 7:55 PM local time, make the following announcement: This is [YOUR CALLSIGN]. I will begin the Northwest Harris County Amateur Radio Emergency Service Net in [10 or 5] minutes. A clear frequency for the net will be appreciated. Our backup repeater will be [LAST WEEK’S REPEATER].– Is … Read more


****** THIS IS A DRILL ****** THIS IS A DRILL ****** Your community has just been hit by a disaster — The following conditions now exist: No commercial power will be available for 72 hours. 60% of the power line infrastructure is damaged. 60% of all radio towers are out of service for 72 hours, … Read more


Most naturally occurring emergencies have a gradual ramp-up period which you can use to prepare yourself prior to the actual event. Similarly, ARES has defined readiness conditions which will be used as a method to increase the alert posture of the Harris County ARES team. The email and text messages sent out by our ARES … Read more