Most naturally occurring emergencies have a gradual ramp-up period which you can use to prepare yourself prior to the actual event. Similarly, ARES has defined readiness conditions which will be used as a method to increase the alert posture of the Harris County ARES team. The email and text messages sent out by our ARES leadership will keep you informed as to the current situation.

Condition Four – Awareness – No immediate threat to life or property

A Condition 4 situation suggests that a higher level of readiness is required. This condition could be triggered by a weather watch or an increased fire threat during drought conditions. It could also be invoked when there is possibility of a civil disruption or terrorism threat. For this condition, all ARES members should review Section 3 of the Southwest Unit Emergency Communications Plan entitled “Activating the Plan.”

Condition Three – Caution – Conditions may deteriorate into a more hazardous situation.

This level may be triggered by a weather “Watch” condition or the move by Harris County Transtar to a Level 3 Condition. Severe weather conditions might include a Hurricane Watch, high winds in excess of 50 mph, high water, flash flood, tornado, or winter storm. Even if things are fine in Harris County, conditions in nearby counties could escalate, and trigger a mutual aid request for our ARES team’s help. Monitor the main ARES repeater (147.000 + pl. 103.5), check your email and text messages and be ready to respond to a net check-in and roll call. Take steps to secure the welfare of yourself and your family. Be prepared. Follow the instructions in the Emergency Communications plan and review Section 4: Mobilization Procedure.

Condition Two – Alert – Hazardous weather is observed or imminent, or there could be an increased possibility of civil disobedience or terrorism.

A severe weather warning or the move by Harris County Transtar to a Level 2 Condition may trigger this level. Weather warnings would include high winds in excess of 60 mph, high water, flash flood, tornado, or winter storm. Conditions in nearby counties may cause them to make a mutual aid request from the District 14 ARES team through our DEC. Monitor the main ARES repeater (147.000 + pl. 103.5) and our local unit net frequencies – check your email and text messages, and be ready to respond to a net check-in and roll call. Your family comes first. Be Prepared. Expect the unexpected.

Revised 7/2021 2
Follow the instructions in the Unit Emergency Communications Plan.

Condition One – Alert – Imminent Danger – Triggered by civil disobedience, terrorism or a severe weather event affecting Harris County.

Examples are extremely high winds approaching Hurricane Category 1 status, tornado sightings or an actual touchdown. Actual flooding is occurring or civil disobedience is getting out of control.
This is the highest alert level. All possible preparations have been made and all members are at the ready and standing by for instructions. All assigned personnel teams have been activated and are either enroute or at their assigned positions in standby making any final preparations. The Tactical and Resource Nets have been activated. Harris County Transtar is on Level 1 Alert