PSV-102 Public Service event coordinator

Public Service Event
Amateur Radio Communications Coordinator

A public service event coordinator is an amateur radio operator who organizes and manages the amateur radio communications for and at a public service event.

Each and every public service event requesting communications support from the amateur radio community needs a “go between” or coordinator. This coordinator is an amateur radio operator who provide an organizational contact between the requesting service organization and the amateur radio community. This amateur is responsible for organizing and planning the communications based on the needs of the requesting agency. These public service events provide “live” training for the amateur radio communicator under circumstances similar to emergency situations. The event coordinator is the primary contact between the served agency and the amateur radio


  • Determine if the requesting agency meets the non-profit or public sector organizations criteria and is qualified to receive amateur radio support.
  • Meet with the requesting agency to access their communications needs and establish a contact within the agency for information flow.
    (Note; Periodic meetings may be necessary up to the time of the event.}
  • Develop a communications plan for the event.
  • Determine the number of amateur radio operators needed for the event and the different modes of operation.
  • Contact repeater owners for support if a repeater is needed.
  • Coordinate with other amateur radio events for frequency assignments.
  • Determine if multiple frequencies are needed and if geographical limitations exist.
  • Recruit volunteers from the amateur radio community and communicate the various communications needs to the amateurs. Contacts the local amateur radio clubs with requests for volunteers.
  • Make assignments for all the radio amateurs consistent with their equipment capabilities, skills and desires.
  • Collect, prepare, and desciminate all materials and information to the amateur radio communicators needed in support of the event.


  • Net Control Operator
  • Rest or Aid Stop Liason
  • Shadow
  • SAG Wagon, MICU, Rabbit/Turtle Communicator
  • Talk-In Communicator
  • Ride Marshall

Typical Net Structure:

    • Talk-In
    • Rest Stops
    • Ambulance
    • Shadows
    • Ride Marshalls
    • Rabbit/Turtle
    • LOCAL
      • Event Organizer
      • Supply
      • Safety Officer
      • Law Enforcement
