NET-112 Prowords II

Discussing Prowords
Training II

Procedural Words or Prowords are used in radio communications to facilitate the efficient and accurate handling of high volume message traffic. The following information presents definitions for the use of common Prowords used in radio communications.

Prowords we will cover tonight;


CORRECT – The proword “CORRECT” is used to inform another operator that they have received all the information and that it is correct.

CORRECTION – Is used to to correct an error. If the error is followed by a few other words then the operator goes back to the error, corrects it and then continues on even though the next few words are repeated.

WRONG– is used when an operator notices that what another operator says is not correct.

DISREGARD – Use “DISREGARD” when an error has been made in the transmission that is in progress and you want the receiving operator to completely ignore this transmission. The following Prowords “SAY AGAIN” , “ALL AFTER” and “ALL BEFORE” are used when there have been problems copying traffic due to poor conditions or misunderstanding what has been said.

SAY AGAIN – The Proword “SAY AGAIN” can be used by both the receiving and sending station. “SAY AGAIN” is used when the receiver needs the sender to repeat all “SAY AGAIN ALL” or part of a message. “SAY AGAIN” is also used when the sender wants to stress a word or phrase as in “I SAY AGAIN”.

ALL AFTER – the Prowords “ALL AFTER” are used to indicate that the receiving station requires a repeat of all the traffic after the last understood word or phrase. “SAY AGAIN ALL AFTER” is appropriate usage.

ALL BEFORE – When the receiving station requires a repeat of a piece of traffic just prior to the understood word or phrase, the prowords “ALL BEFORE” are used. As in “SAY AGAIN ALL BEFORE”.

STANDBY– When an operator is not ready to copy, it is appropriate to say “STANDBY”. You may also add a time modifier such as “STANDBY ONE” indicating you need a minute to be ready. For longer durations, “STANDBY OUT” is used to release the net until the operator is ready to copy.

RELAY – The proword “RELAY” is used most often when the receiving station can not hear the originating station. A third station that can communicate with both originating and receiving station copies the message and informs the receiving station that he has the message via the “RELAY” proword. For long messages, the intermediate station might “BREAK” into the conversation and ask to “GO DIRECT” to get the full message.

DIRECT– When a station can copy another station directly and no RELAY is necessary the proword “DIRECT” is used. Often times you will hear that a station can copy another station “DIRECT” when they are close enough for simplex communication.

UNKNOWN STATION – The proword “UNKNOWN STATION” is used in place of a CALL SIGN when that CALL SIGN cannot be understood. An example would be “UNKNOWN STATION, UNKNOWN STATION, Repeat your CALL SIGN, OVER.” or “I need a RELAY for the UNKOWN STATION, OVER.”

That concludes tonight’s training. Are there any questions, comments or suggested additions to this material?

Thanks, this is (callsign) clear to net control.