WEA-111 Ops, Houston Galveston NWS

WEA-111Radio Operations at theHouston/Galveston National Weather Service SKYWARN operations for the Houston/Galveston area are based at the Houston/Galveston National Weather Service (NWS) office on FM 646 in Dickinson. The radio room, on the second floor, is shared by both SKYWARN and the Galveston County Emergency Communications Group (GCECG). The main SKYWARN transceiver is a Yaesu … Read more

WEA-110 Be Hurricane Ready

WEA-110Be Hurricane Ready The Atlantic Hurricane season is open from June 1st thru November 30th. August through September is generally the most active time of the season for us here on the Texas gulf coast. The month of August begins the traditional run-up to the historical September 10th peak date of Atlantic Basin tropical storm/hurricane … Read more

WEA-108 Heading Toward Hurricane Season

WEA-108Heading Toward Hurricane SeasonWither Weather? As we proceed into the hurricane season, one of the most valuable tools is a reliable and accurate source of weather information. While we each seem to have our own preferred source, it may prove prudent to have some others to consult. Let’s start with the local weather forecast office … Read more

WEA-106 Tropical weather

WEA-106Tropical Weather Terminology Written by KB5PGY The official Atlantic Hurricane Season is upon us once again. Will this be an active year for hurricanes? Both 1983 and 1992 were “inactive” however 1983 brought Alicia to San Luis Pass on August 18th and 1992’s Andrew brought devastation to the southern Florida Peninsula so it is critical … Read more


WEA-105Storm Spotters One of the more high profile amateur radio/served agency relationships is the one which exists with the National Weather Service. While the Houston/Galveston National Weather Service office has all kinds of computerized equipment, including their Doppler Radar, to use when severe weather is threatening the area, on the ground real time information or … Read more

NET-120 Communication training review

NET-120COMMUNICATION TRAINING REVIEW Modified from a Waller County ARES training articleWritten by Christine Smith, N5CAS (sk) Over the past couple months we have covered topics ranging from basic communications principles to preparing for deployment. Within the next month there may be an opportunity for us to put our skills we have been learning to the … Read more

NET-118 ARES Net Operations Tidbits

NET-118ARES Net Operations – Tidbits Original Manual By R. Bruce Winchell, N8UTCopyright 1997 Permission is hereby granted for non-profit reproduction of this material provided this statement isincluded and the material is used in its’ entirety; or properly credited by same, if used in part.Excerpted By Stephen Reynolds W4CNG, January 2001Italicized portion added to original article … Read more

NET-117 Communications Guidelines

NET-117Communications Guidelines Waller County ARES training article written by Christine Smith, N5CAS (sk) Let’s face it, there are hundreds of people that can talk and talk and when they finally finish you ask yourself “what did they actually say?” Within Emergency Communication you will have TWO different levels of communication. The first is in passing … Read more

NET-116 Indecision Can Kill

NET-116Indecision Can Kill Used by permission of author Cary Mangum, W6WWW (cary.mangum@macnexus.org).Written 12/18/00 Indecision can kill a person who is indecisive as well as a program being managed by an indecisive person. Habitual indecision is a difficult challenge for those with that situation. To keep putting off a decision that we know should be made … Read more

NET-101 ARES Nets

NET-101Other ARES Nets In addition to each of the weekly training nets held by all of our respective quadrant units here in South Texas ARES District 14 comprised wholly of Harris County, we are literally surrounded by a host of others. Of interest in South Texas ARES District 1 composed of all of the counties … Read more