SAF-115 Disaster Driving – ARES Style

SAF-115Disaster Driving – ARES Style Adapted and modified Revised 11/2016 for theGulf Coast area by Earl Pack – AE5PA.Original article by Ron Dodson – KA4MAP Kentucky Amateur Radio As a member of a local ARES team, you may find yourself setting in the “shack” at your home, office or EOC. You may be on foot … Read more

SAF-114 Preparing To Shelter In Place During A Radiation Emergency

SAF-114Preparing To Shelter In Place During A Radiation Emergency Modified from an original Mecklenburg CountyARES training article When we think about and prepare for emergency situations that might confront our own families and our communities, we may not immediately recognize and appreciate the very real and potential hazard presented by incidents involving radiation. Tonight’s preparedness … Read more


SAF-113PERSONAL SAFETY Modified from a Waller County ARES training articleWritten by Christine Smith, N5CAS (sk) Emergency communication volunteers may become so involved with helping others that they forget about their own families and themselves. The needs of victims may seem so large when compared with your own that you may feel guilty even taking a … Read more

SAF-112 Lightning Safety

SAF-112Lightning safety Modified from original Mecklenburg County ARES training article by Earl Pack, AE5PA Avoid Dangerous Situations Summer time is peak season for lightning but lighting strikes occur all year. The 30 year average weather related death toll places lightning in 3 rd place behind Heat and Flooding. In the US over 60 people are … Read more

SAF-111 Why lives are lost

SAF-111Why lives Are Lost inSever Weather Conditions Author UnknownEdited 09/2022 to Optimize Cell Phone Displayby Paul Smith, K5PRS Many lives are saved during severe weather such as tornadoes, hurricanes, forest fires, etc. thanks to modern, advanced warnings, there are still countless lives lost. Why? “The tornado that struck Joplin offers important lessons about disaster preparedness,” … Read more

SAF-110 Amateur Radio And Electrical Safety

SAF-110Amateur Radio And Electrical Safety Author Unknown As part of our licensing process, electrical safety is covered in the training material however electrical injuries and incidents continue to occur. A motto of a very experienced-major world wide company is that “All incidents can be avoided”. At first you may think this is an impossible statement … Read more

SAF-109 Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

SAF-109Carbon Monoxide Poisoning By Earl Pack, AE5PA CARBON MONOXIDE POISONINGCarbon monoxide is a colorless, tasteless, and nearly odor free gas. It, like a few other gases, is more readily absorbed by the red blow cells (hemoglobin) than is oxygen. In fact CO binds irreversibly to hemoglobin. As a result, oxygen is displaced by carbon monoxide … Read more


SAF-108HAZARDOUS MATERIAL AND CHEMICAL EMERGENCIES From the City Of Houston Preparedness GuideModified 09/2022 for optimum cell phone displayby Paul Smith, K5PRS WHAT ARE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS?Hazardous materials range from items that are flammable, corrosive, or can be irritating to the body’s natural processes. These hazards can exist during production, storage, transportation, use or disposal. Houston is … Read more

SAF-107 Hide OR Run

SAF-107Hide OR RunHurricane Characteristics Edited 09/2022 by Paul Smith, K5PRS Among other nasties, hurricanes are a particularly good source for spawning tornadoes. They also contain embedded cells of potentially lethal and destructive high winds which can lull the unwary. As these low-pressure systems spiral upward and gain power driven by warm surface air rising from … Read more


SAF-106How To Store GasolineFor An Emergency eHow ContributorEdited 09/2022 by Paul Smith, K5PRS If the power goes out or Mother Nature forces you to evacuate, you may need an emergency supply of gasoline. Extra gas will keep your generator running or keep your vehicle running when the gas stations go dry or loose power. The … Read more