Updated 22FEB2025
Repeater Info
- [1st Sunday]: 146.720 MHz (-) (123.0) Rose Hill Repeater – Trustee Mike Dietrich (KB5FLX)
- [2nd Sunday]: 147.000 MHz (+) (103.5) WD5X Repeater – Trustee Lance Rumfield (WD5X)
- [3rd Sunday]: 145.370 MHz (-) (123.0) N5TRS Repeater – Trustee Joey Clements (W5BAK)
- [4th Sunday]: 146.880 MHz (-) (167.9) N5VCX Repeater – Mike Hardwick (N5VCX)
At 7:50 PM and 7:55 PM local time, make the following announcement:
This is [YOUR CALLSIGN]. I will begin the Northwest Harris County Amateur Radio Emergency Service Net in [10 or 5] minutes. A clear frequency for the net will be appreciated. Our backup repeater will be [LAST WEEK’S REPEATER].
– Is tonight’s Backup Net Control on Frequency? (Establish & Get BUNC Check-in & DIGI count)
– Do we have a TRAINING Station for this evening? (Establish & get TRAINING Check-in & Digi count)
– Do we have any station that wishes to act as a NTS Liaison for tonight’s net? (Get callsign & record on spreadsheet)
Calling the North West Harris County Amateur Radio Emergency Service Net. This is [YOUR CALLSIGN] primary net control station for tonight’s net. Tonight’s Backup Net Control is [BUNC CALLSIGN] who is standing by. Tonight, we are using the…
- [1st Sunday]: Rose Hill Repeater on 146.720 MHz with a negative offset and a tone of 123 with the permission of the trustee Mike Dietrich.
- [2nd Sunday]: WD5X Repeater on 147.000 MHz with a positive offset and a tone of 103.5 with the permission of the trustee Mr. Lance Rumfield.
- [3rd Sunday]: N5TRS Repeater on 145.370 MHz with a negative offset and a tone of 123 with the permission of the trustee Mr. Joey Clements.
- [4th Sunday]: N5VCX Repeater on 146.880 MHz with a negative offset and a tone of 167.9 with the permission of the trustee Mr. Mike Hardwick.
If your transmitter does not have this tone, transmit simplex on the repeater output frequency and we will try to get you on a relay.
We are using NETLOGGER to log this net online, feel free to join us to be sure you get in. If you wish to join us using
NetLogger, simply download it at netlogger.org, install it and choose the net you wish to monitor.
For information on becoming an ARES member please visit ‘HarrisCountyARES.org’ and click the link at the top labeled ‘JOIN’ and then follow the instructions. All stations should attempt Digital Check-ins by sending Winlink messages to the following callsigns and your personal email. Digital Check-in call signs are:
This list is also available on the frequencies page of HarrisCountyARES.org. Please send your digital messages on the day of the net, no earlier than the night before, up until the cutoff time of 7:30PM Sunday. Checking in with digital and voice modes is encouraged as it verifies that all your systems are working. Utilize different modes and bands whenever possible. This is a directed net; all stations are requested to remain on frequency until the net closes. If necessary, to leave the net, please notify net control. This net is open to ALL licensed Amateur Radio Operators in addition to the North West Harris County ARES Unit members.
This is [YOUR CALLSIGN], Net Control Station for the NW Harris County ARES Net this evening, do we have any EMERGENCY, PRIORITY, or TIME SENSITIVE Traffic for the net? Please call now. [Run traffic]
This is [YOUR CALLSIGN], Net Control Station for the NW Harris County ARES Net this evening, do we have any REGULAR traffic for the net, please call now. [Run traffic]
This is [YOUR CALLSIGN], Net Control Station for the NW Harris County ARES Net this evening, I will now take check-ins from stations with call signs suffixes beginning with A-Alpha through L-Lima. When checking in, please state your callsign slowly and phonetically, followed by your first name, location, and your digital check in count. I will acknowledge you individually as I hear you. A-Alpha through L-Lima please check in now. [Acknowledge stations heard]
This is [YOUR CALLSIGN], Net Control Station for the NW Harris County ARES Net this evening, I will now take check-ins from all stations with call signs suffixes beginning with M-Mike through Z-Zulu. Again, when checking in, please state your callsign slowly and phonetically, followed by your first name, location, and your digital check in count. [Acknowledge stations heard]
A final call for check-ins will be made at the end of the net.
[TRAINER CALLSIGN] you may now proceed with your training. The net is yours. (Following training ask if any station has any questions or comments on the training.)
This is [YOUR CALLSIGN], Net Control Station for the NW Harris County ARES Net this evening, do we have any further check-ins for the District 14 Northwest Harris County ARES Net? Please state your callsign slowly and phonetically, followed by your first name, location, and your digital check in count. [Acknowledge stations heard]
A final call for check-ins will be made at the end of the net. We’ll now go to our Backup Net Control for this evening’s digital report. [BUNC CALLSIGN] The net is yours.
This is [YOUR CALLSIGN], net control station for the District 14 Northwest Harris County Amateur Radio Emergency Service Net, do we have any further business before I close the net? [Run further business]
Hearing nothing, this net meets each Sunday evening at 8 PM local time, rotating each week among several repeaters. Next week we will be on:
- [1st Sunday]: Rose Hill Repeater on 146.720 MHz with a negative offset and a tone of 123 with the permission of the trustee Mike Dietrich.
- [2nd Sunday]: WD5X Repeater on 147.000 MHz with a positive offset and a tone of 103.5 with the permission of the trustee Mr. Lance Rumfield.
- [3rd Sunday]: N5TRS Repeater on 145.370 MHz with a negative offset and a tone of 123 with the permission of the trustee Mr. Joey Clements.
- [4th Sunday]: N5VCX Repeater on 146.880 MHz with a negative offset and a tone of 167.9 with the permission of the trustee Mr. Mike Hardwick.
For information on becoming a Harris County Amateur Radio Emergency Services Team Member, please visit ‘HarrisCountyARES.org’ and click the link at the top labeled ‘JOIN’ and follow the instructions. I’d like to thank the repeater trustee for use of the repeater and all operators for the clear frequency. This repeater is now available for regular use.
[BUNC CALLSIGN] I have the net duration at [MINUTES], please confirm.