What are Hospital EmComm teams?
They are teams of individually FCC licensed amateur radio operators who volunteer their time and technical expertise to support the emergency preparedness of the Houston area hospitals. This backup emergency communications network is referenced in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for Emergency Preparedness. Depending upon requirements of individual facilities unlicensed individuals may serve alongside a licensed ham.
How can You help?
- Join a Hospital EmComm Team
Many healthcare facilities in our area have no amateur radio support! You only need the entry level Technician Class license and a willingness to serve, generally monthly, at a health care facility near you to ensure the equipment remains functional, and your access to the facility remains current. - Check in to the monthly Houston Area Hospital EmComm Net
The Houston Area Hospital EmComm Radio Network (Net) meets on the air at 6:30PM local time the last Sunday of each month. All licensed amateur radio operators (Hams) representing hospitals, medical facilities, Emergency Operations Centers, law enforcement, fire departments, emergency medical service agencies and any and all visitors are encouraged to check in. This on the air network takes place on the 145.170 MHz repeater and can be monitored with a simple “police scanner” radio. The repeater has a negative offset (-) and requires a sub-audible tone of 123.0 hz. {145.170(-)(123.0)}
Currently Supported Facilities
- Texas Children’s Hospital
- Memorial Hermann Hospital System
- The Methodist Hospital System
- UTMB Health
- MD Anderson
- Tomball Regional
Contact Us
- HCA facilities – Dave Underwood WB5HJV
- Memorial Herman Facilities – Gail Close K5GAC
- Texas Children’s Hospital – Linda Kangas W5LDK
- UTMB -Wayne Johnson K5OB
- Tomball Regional Hospital – Paul Smith K5PRS
- Other Unlisted Facilities – Gail Close K5GAC