Serving Our Community Through Communications
The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) consists of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes. Every licensed amateur, regardless of membership in ARRL or any other local or national organization, is eligible for membership in the ARES. The only qualification, other than possession of an Amateur Radio license, is a sincere desire to serve. Because ARES is an amateur service, only amateurs are eligible for membership.
Harris County ARES works hand in hand with Harris County Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (HCOHSEM), Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT, SKYWARN, American Red Cross, Houston Area Hospitals, and other agencies in the Houston Metro area needing backup and auxiliary communications.
ARES also performs, free of charge, communication and asset location services for 2025 Public Service Events, such as: MS-150, Houston Marathon, Wings Over Houston, walk-a-thons, bike-a-thons, parades and fund-raising events.
ARES members are NOT “First Responders” but do receive specialized FEMA, CERT and ARRL training in order to deliver professional auxiliary communications to served agencies and partners utilizing Amateur Radio in times of emergency and community events.
Harris County (TX) is the sole county in District 14 of the ARRL South Texas Section. The county is subdivided into four quadrants (units) using IH-10 to the east and west, IH-45 to the north and Hwy 288 to the south as dividing lines. Each unit has an Emergency Coordinator (EC) and Assistant Emergency Coordinators (AEC) as needed.
For more information or to join, please click here.